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Bituminous membranes for non-roofing applications
Bitumen (asphalt) based flat sections supplied in flexible rolled lengths. Asbestos may be contained in a layer of the bituminous roll or applied separately as a felt layer first with an asphaltic membrane covering.
Used for weather and water proofing.
Usually applied by rolling out the membrane onto a surface and applying heat (flame) to partially melt the compound and provide adhesion to the surface being applied to.
May be inserted into expansion joints.
Years of production/use
Prior to 2003
Residential uses
Paved areas, apartment block surrounds, moisture proofing of interior areas such as cellars and split level flooring.
Industrial uses
- External mezzanines, decks, upper floor walkways on commercial buildings, concrete pavements, driveways, brick wall expansion joints between extensions, flashing
Be aware
Exposed edging and sections subject to waterflow may be a point of increased deterioration, exposing fibres.
Learn the history of the site – asbestos containing bituminous membranes may have been encapsulated.
Non-ACM bituminous membranes are still widely used.