The Asbestos Product Guide, developed by the Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency (ASSEA), provides a visual reference for various types of products with asbestos containing material (ACM) that can still be found in Australia.
It provides images and descriptions of asbestos products, information on when and where they were used, as well as marketed brand and product names where known. Some images are sourced from manufacturer publications to aid recognition and provide provenance for some products. Updates will occur from time to time, as more images and information become available. Refer to image attributions below.
Find a specific ACM product
The Asbestos Product Guide is designed as a supporting resource to help asbestos professionals conduct asbestos surveys and should be used in conjunction with the National Guide for Asbestos Surveys.
This guide does not specifically reference products that have been unlawfully imported since the import prohibition was enacted in 2003. Information about these products are available at Illegal asbestos imports (ASSEA) and the Australian Border Force.